


别名:我也讨厌苏西/I Hate Suzie Too/I Hate Suzie Christmas special

导演:道恩·沙德福思 地区:英国 年份:2022


  She’s back. And she’s dancing.  Suzie Pickles steps back into the spotlight as the BAFTA® nominated and critically acclaimed Sky Original drama, I Hate Suzie, returns for a second series.  Written by Lucy Prebble and co-created with Billie Piper, who also stars, the new series sees a starry new cast lined up, including Douglas Hodge (Joker, The Great), Blake Harrison (The Inbetweeners, The Great), Layton Williams (Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, Bad Education), Omari Douglas (It’s a Sin), Anastasia Hille (Snow White and the Huntsman), Angela Sant’Abalo (The Nevers), Reza Diako (Tehran) and Yaz Zadeh (I May Destroy You). Leila Farzad (Avenue 5), Daniel Ings (Sex Education), Phil Daniels (Eastenders), Lorraine Ashbourne (Bridgerton), and Elle Piper reprise their roles. I Hate Suzie Too sees the return of child star turned actress Suzie Pickles, (Billie Piper).  Suzie has a new agent, new PR and a new job – dancing for likes on ‘Dance Crazee’, a reality TV competition that has the Saturday night audience hooked. Having lost everyone that matters to her, Suzie returns to her first love – the public. Battling ex-husband Cob (Daniel Ings) with the help of estranged best friend Naomi (Leila Farzad), Suzie must try to keep life as stable as possible for her young son Frank (Matthew Jordan-Caws), all whilst staying on ‘Dance Crazee’ long enough to finance her new role as single mum and ex-wife.  In this three-part anti-Christmas Christmas special, Suzie fights to regain the love of the British public whilst her personal life spirals out of control. Will she win the hearts of the British public? And restore her reputation? And at what cost?

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  She’s back. And she’s dancing.  Suzie Pickles steps back into the spotlight as the BAFTA® nominated and critically acclaimed Sky Original drama, I Hate Suzie, returns for a second series.  Written by Lucy Prebble and co-created with Billie Piper, who also stars, the new series sees a starry new cast lined up, including Douglas Hodge (Joker, The Great), Blake Harrison (The Inbetweeners, The Great), Layton Williams (Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, Bad Education), Omari Douglas (It’s a Sin), Anastasia Hille (Snow White and the Huntsman), Angela Sant’Abalo (The Nevers), Reza Diako (Tehran) and Yaz Zadeh (I May Destroy You). Leila Farzad (Avenue 5), Daniel Ings (Sex Education), Phil Daniels (Eastenders), Lorraine Ashbourne (Bridgerton), and Elle Piper reprise their roles. I Hate Suzie Too sees the return of child star turned actress Suzie Pickles, (Billie Piper).  Suzie has a new agent, new PR and a new job – dancing for likes on ‘Dance Crazee’, a reality TV competition that has the Saturday night audience hooked. Having lost everyone that matters to her, Suzie returns to her first love – the public. Battling ex-husband Cob (Daniel Ings) with the help of estranged best friend Naomi (Leila Farzad), Suzie must try to keep life as stable as possible for her young son Frank (Matthew Jordan-Caws), all whilst staying on ‘Dance Crazee’ long enough to finance her new role as single mum and ex-wife.  In this three-part anti-Christmas Christmas special, Suzie fights to regain the love of the British public whilst her personal life spirals out of control. Will she win the hearts of the British public? And restore her reputation? And at what cost?

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